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SmartRetailer Software
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- To stay competitive and profitable, you need the speed and accuracy that only an automated point of sale accounting solution can offer.
- To manage and control inventory, you need powerful yet easy to use software that saves you time and money.
- To make the right decisions, you need instant and meaningful information about all aspects of your business.
Our point of sale inventory control software delivers this and a whole lot more!
The Smart Retailer software provides a comprehensive accounting solution for your business. Your questions, comments, and suggestions are always welcome, so feel free to email us anytime at
POS Software Accounting Features
- Millions of customizable combinations add flexibility
- Customize the program to operate the way you want to
- Pop up easy viewing windows
- Resize and mainipulate data to appear the way you want it
- Quick access toolbars
- Learn to operate one window and you can operate all windows
- Context sensitive help (F1) is just one key stroke away
- Key word help lets you browse the entire help data
- Info. screen - customer/inventory counts & more
- Time and date displayed throughout program
- Export data to Excel, Word, text and more
- Tips and suggestions
- Password security
- Multi store collects all sales, receivings, transfers
- Multi store collects employee logs and close outs
- Multi store collects changes to inventory and customers info
- Interface to Quickbooks, Peach Tree, Bizworks
Inventory Control
- Multi store ready
- Unlimited number of products in inventory
- Supports Product, Service, Kit, Serialized, Matrix items
- Four prices per item (linked to customers)
- Four quantity and discount breaks
- Units of measure for selling and buying
- Allows adding/editing/sorting/filtering product
- Master listing by sku, department, category range
- Inventory on promotion listing
- Inventory on layaway listing
- Vendor Maintenance
- Supports multiple vendors per item
- Last Active reporting
- Prints bin labels
- Prints barcode labels
- Keeps last cost and average cost
- Each item taxable/nontaxable
- Each item, Ask for price (yes or no)
- Each item, Ask for quantity (yes or no)
- Optional department, category, vendor validation
- Automated reordering
- Open to buy reporting
Physical Inventory
- Supports scanning and hand held computer devices
- Reports qty and cost deviations and totals
- Will automatically adjust inventory to count quantities
- Supports manual batch entry of product counts
- Easily identify missed entries and deviations
- Reports retail and cost deviation totals
- Miscellaneous inventory receiving
- Purchasing entry/edit/print/receive
- Allows ordering in selling or buying units of measure
- Automatically calculates quantity to order
- Purchase order notes
- Extensive vendor notes
- Automatic calculation of expected in date
- Option to automatically round order quantites in buying unit
- Reorder inventory listings
- Automatic creation of PO from reorder listing
- Allows backorders, partial receiving
- Inventory on order inquiry
- Price changing if cost changes
- Automatic barcode printing for inventory received
- Multi store receiving
- Store to store transfers
Management Newspaper
- Instantly view sales data for the day, month, or year
- See real time data for cash, checks and credit cards
- View year-to-date versus last year sales
- Instant inventory valuation (retail and cost)
- Graph sales clerk
- Graph sales by department
- Graph sales, cost, or margins by day, month, or year
- Graph sale by vendor
Point of Sale
- Rapid error free POS checkouts
- Easy to learn and operate
- Supports cash drawer, barcode scanner, pole display
- Prints POS receipts. Customizable!
- Split tender transactions at register
- Tracks Cash,checks,Credit card sales, account charges
- Tracks clerk, department, and category sales
- Automatic price lookup
- Check inventory & on order status from selling screen
- Limited time promotions
- Layaway creation/payments/editing,canceling
- Discounts by line or invoice
- Post payments or adjustments to accounts
- Returns (damaged or back to stock)
- Print work orders to receipt printer
- Enter non stocked items on sale
- Invoice on hold from POS
- Invoice reprint from POS
- Inventory lookup multiple ways
- Customer lookup multiple ways
- Inventory notes
- Customer notes
- Products on order inquiry
- Optionally attached customer to invoice
- Multiple ship to addresses per customer
- View customer notes, sales history, invoice history, & A/R
- Zero, one, or two decimals on quantity
- Tells you when your out of inventory at time of sale
- Supports gift cards
- Custom message displayed on receipts/invoices
Daily Closeout
- Cash Reconciliation
- Deposits Distribution
- In/Outs balancing
- Proforma closeout report
- Daily products sold summary
- Daily invoice summary
- Daily invoices by payment source report
- Daily transaction listing
- Daily adjustments report
- Custom message displayed on receipts/invoices
Customer Processing
- Full featured accounts receivable
- Open item or balance forward
- Unlimited number of customers
- Set your own aging brackets
- Post payments on account or against invoice
- Automatically applies on account payments to oldest invoices
- Allow debit/credit adjustments with reference notes
- Prints statements (open item, balance forward, include sales detail)
- Aged trial balance report
- Finance charge calc, report, and posting
- Mailing Labels
- Customer master listing
- By customer, by item contracts
- A/R postings journal
- Periodic A/R purge
- All sales analysis reports may be:
- printed in detail or summary
- printed for any range of dates
- show subtotals and grand totals.
- Sales analysis by customer
- Sales analysis by department
- Sales analysis by clerk
- Sales analysis by vendor
- Sales analysis by Salesrep
- Sales analysis by Sku
- Sales analysis by Style
- Sales summary report
- Non taxable sales report
- Layaway listing
- Items on Promotion listing
- Inventory turnover analysis report
- Inventory valuation report
- Report Generator with select, sort, total, file linking & more