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Inventory Maintenance

The inventory maintenance screen is used to establish and maintain your inventory data. It is here where you can associate a vendor, department, and category to a particular item. Quantities, pricing, costing, and other demographic information for the item is maintainable. It is accessed from the main menu. On the main menu click the inventory option, then click Inventory Maintenance. From the product lookup window you click the add or edit button to enter maintenance.

An explanation of each field, its use, size, and type follow the screen display below.

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Sku number

Each product or service must be identified with a unique product number. Up to 16 alpha/numeric character may be used.


Valid product types are: P=Product S=Service M=Matrix R=Serailized K=Kit


A 10 character user defineable field that can be used to group your inventory.


Two 30 character fields are provide for description.

Selling Unit

The unit in which you sell the item. ex. EA, RL, BX

Buying Unit

The unit in which you purchase the item. ex. CS, DZ, BX

Units In Pack

The factor relating your buying and selling units of measure. ex. 24 Eachs(EA) to a Case(CS)

Minimum Stock

The stocking level at which you want the system to automatically schedule the item for reorder.

Maximum Stock

The quantity that you would like on hand as a normal stocking level.

Lead Time

Number of days it takes to receive the product after ordering

Base Cost

The product cost. used to determine margins and valuation.

Last Cost

The price you last paid for the item. Automatically updated.


A three character department that sales of this item will be attributed to.

Qty Breaks

Three quantity break and discount fields are provided for businesses that offer discounted pricing according to purchase quantities.

Vendor Id

The primary vendor Id code for the vendor you purchase the item from.

Vendor Item #

The vendors product number for this item. Used in purchasing


Y)es or N)o flag signifying if a barcoded label should be printed for this item.


Y)es or N)o flag signifying if the item is subject to tax.

Ask Price

Y)es or N)o flag to indicate to the system wether to prompt the operator for this items price when selling.

Ask Quantity

Y)es or N)o flag to indicate to the system wether to prompt the operator for a quantity when selling.


Optional field for a style number.


Optional field for color description.


Optional filed for size description.

Sale Start

Date item is to go on sale.

Sale End

Date item is to go off sale.

Sale Price

Sale price.

Qty On Hand

Total quantity on hand. May be different than quantity available if invoices are on hold or products are on layaway. This field is automatically updated when product is sold or received.

Qty On Order

Total quantity on order. The purchasing system updates this value.


Up to 64000 characters of additional notes may be saved.