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How to add products to a sale

The Ready prompt appears at the bottom of the selling screen, just left of the sale total. When it appears highlighted in yellow, it is ready for the user to enter a product SKU number.

Assumptions: Selling screen is present.
Step Keys to press Result
Scan Barcode
The program attempts to read item "1111" from the inventory file. If none of the following conditions occur, the transaction line is complete.
A. Item is not found
B. Item found, no stock available
C. Item found, Ask qty set to 'Y'. *
D. Item found, Ask price set to 'Y'. *
AThe bell sounds alerting the operator. Step 1 may be performed again.
B or A message window appears informing the operator that the stock level is low. The operator may continue, (Y) or abort the entry (N).
C3 A window appears prompting for the quantity. Enter the quantity to sell then press enter.
D7.95 A window appears prompting for the price. Enter the items price then press enter. The non stocked item is complete.

* Each product may be setup to always ask for quanitiy and/or price. See inventory maintenance for more information.