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How to add products to a sale using the lookup

Assumptions: Selling screen is present.
Step Keys to press Result
1 Press the "F3" key and the product lookup window appears.



While in the product lookup window, the pgdn, pgup, down arrow, and up arrow keys are used to move the highlight bar between items.

The G key allows the user to 'goto' an item.*

The escape key may be used to exit the product lookup and return to the selling screen.

Pressing the enter key selects the currently highlighted item and unless one of the following conditions exists, the item is added to the sale and the process is complete.
A. No stock available
B. Ask qty is set to 'Y'.**
C. Ask price is set to 'Y'.**
A or A message window appears informing the operator that the stock level is low. The operator may continue, (Y) or abort the entry (N).
B3 A window appears prompting for the quantity. Enter the quantity to sell then press enter.
C7.95 A window appears prompting for the price. Enter the items price then press enter. The non stocked item is complete.

* The 'Goto' option relates to the current sequence displayed in the product lookup. If the products are being displayed by description, the operator would enter the description or the first few characters of the description when using the 'Goto' option. See the product lookup window for the available sequences that products may be displayed.

** Each product may be setup to always ask for quanitiy and/or price. See inventory maintenance for more information.